
ramblings of an electronic engineer.

Lunar Lander Art Installation

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Hey there, ok so first take a minute to play this game, it’s a  vintage (1979) game called Lunar Lander. Seriously it’s challenging and heaps of fun. Lunar LanderSo now that you’ve played it you may see why I love old school videos games. Since I also love electronics and art I was pretty ecstatic when I found an project combining all three.

Lunar Trails is an art installation that takes the lunar lander game and draws where people have flown on a piece of paper. Once you have done this multiple time you end up with something looking like this:

Telemetry information of each flight is taken from the computer the game is played on then fed into a custom made string plotting machine. You can find out more about the project here, visit their flickr set here, or watch the process at work below.

Lunar Trails from Seb Lee-Delisle on Vimeo.

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